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Katina Anagarika Precepts Ceremony Vas Aradhana Visit with Ven Rohini and Liana Vesak Celebration 7th May Sunday school at Waikato Compassion Meditation Centre Working Bee – 2nd April First Retreat at Dhammatiriya
Visit from Ayya Tathāloka
2016/17 Visit During this time, Ayya Tathālokā stayed at Ayya Adhimutti’s parents house (Dhammatiriya Monastery was not yet in existence) and researched and wrote this essay on the history of the modern revival of the Theravada Bhikkhuni Sangha. Anumodana to Ayya Adhimutti’s family, Dushyanti and Penelope, and the many dedicated friends that made this auspicious…
Blessings from across the world!
For the auspicious occasion of the opening of Dhammatiriya the following tributes came from across the globe. The opening of Dhammatiriya was doubly auspicious. This day marked the day of the opening blessings for the first Theravada Bhikkhuni Aramaya in Aotearoa. Furthermore, this day was also the lunar anniversary of Sanghamitta Theri, the great awakened…